Reid Hart, Shamanic Practitioner
Rune Power & Seith

February 8-9, 2020
Eugene Oregon
10-8 Sat & 10-4 Sun
Potluck dinner Saturday before Seith ritual.
Are the Runes calling you? During this weekend workshop, we visit the well of memory and encounter the spirit of the Runes in a sacred grove. The Runes source from both Nordic and Celtic heratige. Each rune has personal meaning. We learn to sit on the high seat where divine truth comes through our lips as the warp and weft of fate weaves the mystery of time and destiny. We learn to channel rune power to impact the potential of our life.
One of the experiential Path of Shamanic Mystery workshops that traces a directly inspired spiritual path from 40,000 year old shamanic practice to modern Western Mysteries. Receive gateway Faery, Celtic, Nordic, and Druidic initiations to make practical life change. Workshops may be taken in any order.
Reid Hart is a co-founder of Hearth of the Dancing Drum—a community drumming and healing circle. He has presented workshops on shamanism, otherworld exploration, and the Western Mysteries for more than 20 years.
Rune Power focuses on your connection to the ancient truth of the Runes. In this experiential workshop we will:
Learn a powerful method of connecting with the runes for learning and divination.
Create a personal sacred grove in the otherworld to work with power animals, Celtic Spirit Powers, ancestors, and runes.
Engage in the practice of Seith (Sei∂r , sayth or Truth Speaking) to learn deeper oracular truths.
Learn rune doctoring, a powerful healing practice.
Harness the power of rune magic to cast power runes for personal and planetary transformation.